TRUCK Ambassador Holly Hansen finds the intersection of a great lifestyle and great product.
Snap Shot: Our friend Holly is a local Park City runner, equestrian, skier and lover of big fluffy dogs. And lucky for us, she loves our gloves.
Snap Shot: Our friend Holly is a local Park City runner, equestrian, skier and lover of big fluffy dogs. And lucky for us, she loves our gloves.
Mostly riding for fun with friends and exercising horses when it's needed. When I moved to Utah years ago, I needed to get my fix. So I was guiding rides out in Wanship. Then I was hired to help train a young mustang that needed work. I've been riding him ever since, 15 years later. Mainly exercising, grooming, barn cleaning and continued training.
That's a tossup between the Wasatch Speedgoat and The RUT in Big Sky. Both are 50K's, both have crazy elevation gain upwards of 12K feet of climbing. They're both harder than any 50 miler I've experienced. The RUT is the most fun though. Good Montana vibes, fireball shots and bacon at aid stations, complete with free beer and tattoos at the finish line (yes, I got the tattoo).
Lots of things, but backcountry skiing is really Zorro's favorite. He's a total powder hound and goes way harder than I do!
The one that stands out the most is doing the Big Cottonwood to Millcreek traverse with a crew of friends. All-day adventure with lots of good vert and descents. And really the accumulation of all the dawn patrol adventures. Going up in the dark, breaking trail up to our hips, falling into creek beds (sometimes it happens), avoiding moose, listening to coyotes sing and getting fresh shots by headlamp before the rest of the world is awake. Some of my favorite ski memories.
I'm a farmer's daughter and grew up on a farm in rural Michigan. It was our only source of income and while other kids had summer break, I was working long hours in the field alongside my siblings. I learned to drive a tractor before I ever drove a car. It was an incredibly special way to grow up and what likely drove my desire to do all the things outside, as much as possible. Also, I can pick my nose with my tongue ;)