Eric Balken / Athlete Profile

Snap Shot: Eric is an SLC-based skier who's made regular appearances in ski magazInes for the past decade. He's also a father, husband, and runs the non-profit Glen Canyon Institute

Brands: TRUCK, Mystery Ranch, Patagonia, Moments Skis.

Social: @ericbalken

How did you find your way into skiing as a profession?

I became obsessed with skiing in high school. Growing up in Salt Lake, it was the ultimate escape to go to the mountains with your friends and push each other to do bigger tricks and drop bigger cliffs. After college, I told myself that before I caved and got a "real job" I would give 100% of my energy to skiing, and if I could get sponsored, I would do it for as long as I could. I focused on shooting as much as possible, honing my skills, and marketing myself to companies. After getting in a bunch of magazines and appearing in some videos, I finally started landing some support, which opened up a bunch of opportunities for me. 

Tell us about one of your favorite ski locations.

Honestly, one of my favorite ski locations is the foothills of Salt Lake. When we get cold, low elevation storms, you can have world class powder skiing accessed from a foothill trailhead. It's usually a short window, but it's wild to get face shots while skiing right above downtown SLC. 

Aside from being a pro skier, what else keeps you busy?

Coincidentally, I did develop a "real job" alongside my ski career - I'm the Director of the non-profit Glen Canyon Institute. I also love to mountain bike, run rivers, hike, and be outside as much as I can. Most importantly I'm a family man: my favorite activity these days is spending time with my wife and 6-month-old son.

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